We already helped users with below tests.

  1. CD0001 Personal Safety
  2. CD0002 Ship General Safety
  3. CD0004 SOPEP
  4. CD0005 ISM Code (New)
  5. CD0006 OPA 90
  6. CD0007 Inert Gas Generator
  7. CD0008 Flue Gas Plant
  8. CD0009 Fuel Oil System
  9. CD0010 Marine fuel handling
  10. CD0012 Tanker operation I
  11. CD0013 Tanker operation ll
  12. CD0014 Vessel Struct. Cond.
  13. CD0015 Corrosion Protection I
  14. CD0016 Corrosion Protection ll
  15. CD0017 Steering Gear
  16. CD0018 Cooling Systems
  17. CD0019 Remote Ctrl. Sys. (AC4)
  18. CD0020 Search and Rescue
  19. CD0021 GMDSS
  20. CD0022 Maritime English, Ship Familiarisation
  21. CD0024 Operating Auxiliary Diesel Engines
  22. CD0026 Voyage Planning
  23. CD0027 Ballast Water Management
  24. CD0028 Protection and indemnity
  25. CD0029 Hull and Machinery
  26. CD0030 Marine Lubricants
  27. CD0031 Pusnes ETS
  28. CD0032 Cargo Properties
  29. CD0033 Stability
  30. CD0034 AC4, Digital Governor System
  31. CD0035 Port State Control Inspections (New)
  32. CD0036 Medical First Aid
  33. CD0040 Maritime English, Pilot on the Bridge
  34. CD0041 Generator
  35. CD0043 Bilge water separator
  36. CD0045 Container Lashings – Basic
  37. CD0046 Auxiliary boiler plant
  38. CD0047 Fuel Combustion Efficiency
  39. CD0048 Gas Measurement
  40. CD0049 Radar Observation and plotting
  41. CD0050 ARPA Theory
  42. CD0051 Introduction to Navigation
  43. CD0053 HAZMAT – IMDG Code, Basic (New)
  44. CD0054 COW
  45. CD0055 ODME
  46. CD0056 Assessor Training
  47. CD0057 Doppler log
  48. CD0058 COLREG
  49. CD0059 DGPS
  50. CD0060 Navigation in lce
  51. CD0061 Stability 2
  52. CD0063 Mooring
  53. CD0064 Electronic Chart Display
  54. CD0066 Basic Ship Handling
  55. CD0068 BC Code
  56. CD0069 Basic Refrigeration Theory
  57. CD0070 Food Handling
  58. CD0072 Basic Hydraulics
  59. CD0073 Crisis Management
  60. CD0074 Sultzer Medium Speed Diesel Engine
  61. CD0078 Pumps and Pumping Operations
  62. CD0082 Crowd Management
  63. CD0083 Automation
  64. CD0087 Personal Survival and Survival Craft
  65. CD0088 Human Relations
  66. CD0089 Medical Care
  67. CD0091 incinerators
  68. CD0092 Introduction to MARPOL
  69. CD0093 Wall Wash
  70. CD0094 Flexinert Gas Generator, Standard
  71. CD0095 English Language Test, Marlins
  72. CD0096 Cargo Compatibility
  73. CD0097 Ship Energy Efficiency
  74. CD0098 Fresh Water Generator
  75. CD0099 Low Temperature Insulation on Gas Carriers
  76. CD0101 IALA Buoyage
  77. CD0102 Safe Cargo Handling – FRAMO
  78. CD0103 INS – Integrated Navigation System
  79. CD0104 Use of Nitrogen (Chemical tanker)
  80. CD0109 AIS – Automatic Identification System
  81. CD0110 AC4 – SULZER – DENIS 1
  82. CD0111 Heavy Weather Damage – Container Vessel
  83. CD0112 Zero Damage
  84. CD0115 Security awareness
  85. CD0116 AC4 – MAN B and W
  86. CD0117 Integrated Survey Programme – ISP
  87. CD0118 Steering Gear, RAM type
  88. CD0121 Ship Security Officer Training System
  89. CD0122 ISO 14001 Environmental Management
  90. CD0123 Risk assessment and management
  91. CD0124 Greasing Mooring Winches and Windlasses
  92. CD0125 Hot work
  93. CD0127 Enclosed Space Entry
  94. CD0130 LRM – IHI GTC
  95. CD0131 LRM – MILLS -T|TAN-
  96. CD0132 LRM – SHIGI S2
  97. CD0133 LRM – FASSMER
  98. CD0134 LRM – HARDING FF
  99. CD0139 Awareness of LRRS
  100. CD0142 Learning MS Word
  101. CD0143 Learning MS Power Point and Outlook
  102. CD0144 Learning MS Excel
  103. CD0145 SMCP – Distress Urgency and Safety
  104. CD0146 SMCP – Navigation and Cargo Handing
  105. CD0147 Maritime English, Introduction
  106. CD0149 Incident Investigation
  107. CD0150 Maritime English, Superintendent Inspection
  108. CD0151 HAZMAT – IMDG Code, Advanced
  109. CD0152 Hatch Cover Maintenance – Bulk Carrier
  110. CD0155 Stowaways, Migrants and Refugees
  111. CD0156 Piracy and armed robbery 1
  112. CD0157 TMSA 3
  113. CD0158 Maritime English, Report Writing
  114. CD0160 Fire Fighting, Basic
  115. CD0161 Fire Fighting, Advanced
  116. CD0162 Separators, ALCAP Separation principles
  117. CD0163 Separators, The ALCAP system
  118. CD0164 Separators, ALCAP Fuel oil system
  119. CD0165 Separators, ALCAP Lube oil system
  120. CD0166 Separators, ALCAP Monitoring and control
  121. CD0167 Tanker Training System -Familiarisation
  122. CD0168 Gas Tanker Training System – Advanced
  123. CD0169 Oil Tanker Training System – Advanced
  124. CD0170 Chemical Tanker Training System – Advanced
  125. CD0172 International Collision Regulations (New)
  126. CD0173 Introduction to computers
  127. CD0174 Learning MS Word 2003
  128. CD0175 Learning MS Excel 2003
  129. CD0176 Learning MS PowerPoint 2003
  130. CD0177 Learning MS Outlook 2003
  131. CD0178 Container Fires
  132. CD0179 Marine Fuel Properties ll
  133. CD0181 Ship to Ship Transfer Operations
  134. CD0183 Electrical safety
  135. CD0186 Vessel General Permit – VGP
  136. CD0187 Marine environmental awareness
  137. CD0190 H2S – Hydrogen Sulphide Awareness A
  138. CD0191 Maritime Labour Convention 2006,an Introduction
  139. CD0192 MLC 2006 Onboard Responsibilities I
  140. CD0193 MLC 2006 Shipowner’s Responsibilities
  141. CD0194 Lifestyle assessment and advice
  142. CD0195 Physical exercise and lifestyle coaching
  143. CD0196 Volatile Organic Compound
  144. CD0197 MLC 2006, Basic Introduction
  145. CD0211 ECDIS system and chart types
  146. CD0212 ECDIS display features
  147. CD0213 Passage planning with ECDIS
  148. CBT0214 – ECDIS Pilotage and Berthing
  149. CD0215 Voyage planning, Pre-departure
  150. CD0216 Voyage planning, The sea passage
  151. CD0217 Voyage planning, Pilotage and berthing
  152. CD0218 Oil Record Book, Part I
  153. CD0219 Oil Record Book, Part ll
  154. CD0220 Galley Operation 1, Workplace and equipment Safety (NEW)
  155. CD0221 Galley Operations, Hygiene
  156. CD0222 Galley Operations, Food handling
  157. CD0223 Galley operations, Nutrition
  158. CD0224 Nutrition and well-being
  159. CD0225 Personal survival, Familiarisation
  160. CD0226 Personal survival, Survival craft
  161. CD0227 Personal survival, Rescue and abandoning ship
  162. CD0228 Fire-Fighting, Advanced, Management of Fire-Fighting
  163. CD0229 Fire-Fighting, Advanced, Hazards and tactics
  164. CD0230 High Voltage, Fundamentals
  165. CD0231 High Voltage, Ship’s electrical networks
  166. CD0232 High Voltage, Equipment and testing A
  167. CD0233 High Voltage, Management on Ships A
  168. CD0234 Electric Propulsion, Fundamentals
  169. CD0235 Electric Propulsion, Electrical
  170. CD0235 Electric Propulsion, Electrical machines
  171. CD0236 Electric Propulsion, Power electronics
  172. CD0237 Electric Propulsion, Systems for ships
  173. CD0240 Bunker Fraud
  174. CD0241 Development of Heavy Weather
  175. CD0242 Heavy Weather Navigation
  176. CD0245 Safe operation and maintenance of grinding wheels
  177. CD0246 Piracy and armed robbery II
  178. CD0247 Anchor Mooring Procedures
  179. CD0250 Conflict Management.
  180. CD0251 Culture.
  181. CD0252 Active Listening.
  182. CD0253 Corrective Feedback.
  183. CD0254 Meeting Management.
  184. CD0255 Question Techniques.
  185. CD0256 Team Leadership.
  186. CD0257 Stress Management
  187. CD0258 SEEMP
  188. CD0260 Behaviour Based Safety
  189. CD0261 Mentoring
  190. CD0263 Principles of assessment
  191. CD0264 Onboard assessment
  192. CD0265 Shore based assessment
  193. CD0271 Leadership, Communication for maritime leaders
  194. CD0272 Leadership, Maritime conventions
  195. CD0273 Leadership, Shipboard Personnel Management and Training
  196. CD0274 Leadership, Task and workload management
  197. CD0275 Leadership, Effective resource management
  198. CD0275.01 Leadership, Effective resource management, Part 1
  199. CD0275.02 Leadership, Effective resource management, Part 2
  200. CD0276 Leadership, Decision making techniques
  201. CD0277 Marine environmental awareness, Environmental challenges
  202. CD0278 Marine environmental awareness, Sustainable shipping
  203. CD0280 Engineering operations in cold environments
  204. CD0281 Personal safety in cold environments
  205. CD0282 Hot work, Doing the job safely
  206. CD0283 Hot work, Management of hot work
  207. CD0285 Enclosed space entry, Awareness
  208. CD0286 Crane operations, Heavy lift
  209. CD0287 Inspection of mooring lines
  210. CD0288 Green Passport (Inventory of Hazardous Materials)
  211. CD0289 Learning MS Word 2007
  212. CD0290 Learning MS Excel 2007
  213. CD0291 Learning MS PowerPoint 2007
  214. CD0292 Learning MS Outlook 2007
  215. CD0297 Recovery of persons from the water
  216. CD0298 Use of Liferafts
  217. CD0299 SIRE inspections
  218. CD0300 Rigging and Slinging
  219. CD0301 Crane Operations
  220. CD0302 Permit to work
  221. CD0303 COLREGs, Lights, shapes and sound signals
  222. CD0304 COLREGs, Conduct of vessels
  223. CD0306 Incident investigation, Cause and effect
  224. CD0307 Incident investigation, Investigation techniques
  225. CD0310 Working at height (NEW)
  226. CD0311 Vessel inspection and CMID
  227. CD0316 Anchor handling operation
  228. CD0317 Lifting and Slinging, Equipment and operation
  229. CD0318 Lifting and Slinging, Roles and responsibility
  230. CD0319 Periodic maintenance and inspection of lifting equipment
  231. CD0320 Personal safety for offshore vessels
  232. CD0329 Vessel inspection and OVID
  233. CD0330 GOMO awareness
  234. CD0334 Deck safety for supply vessels
  235. CD0335 Deck safety for anchor handlers
  236. CD0336 Back deck safety for seismic vessels
  237. CD0337 Fresh water management
  238. CD0338 Fresh water system sanitation
  239. CD0340 Introduction to bulk carriers
  240. CD0341 Liquefying cargoes
  241. CD0342 Common bulk cargoes
  242. CD0343 Preparation for loading bulk carriers
  243. CD0344 Loading bulk carriers
  244. CD0345 Hull structural strength
  245. CD0346 Personal safety and environmental protection
  246. CD0347 Bulk carriers, Trim and stability
  247. CD0348 Bulk carrier voyage
  248. CD0349 Bulk Carriers, Unloading
  249. CD0358 SOPEP, Your role
  250. CD0360 Crude oil tankers, Control of flow rates during loading
  251. CD0361 Crude oil tankers, Control of flow rates during discharge
  252. CD0362 Crude oil tankers, Crude oil washing planning
  253. CD0363 Crude oil tankers. Practical crude oil washing operations
  254. CD0364 Crude oil tankers, Practical crude oil
  255. CD0370 Mooring, Risk assessment and management
  256. CD0371 Mooring, Safe handling and good practice
  257. CD0378 Garbage and waste management
  258. CD0380 ISO 9001
  259. CD0385 Occupational health and safety management system
  260. CD0387 Enclosed space entry, Hazard awareness and preparations for entry
  261. CD0388 Enclosed space entry, The entry operation
  262. CD0389 Enclosed space entry, Emergencies and rescue
  263. CD0390 Harassment and bullying [See Questions]
  264. CD0391 Fatigue management
  265. CD0395 Gas carrier, Basic principles
  266. CD0396 Gas carrier, Cargo cooling systems, introduction
  267. CD0397 Gas carrier, Cargo cooling systems, advanced
  268. CD0398 Gas carrier, Cargo cooling equipment
  269. CD0400 Container ships, Introduction to Cargo Operations
  270. CD0403 Container ships – Securing cargo awareness
  271. CD0404 Container ships – Securing cargo arrangements
  272. CD0406 Container ships, Familiarity with reefer containers
  273. CD0407 Container ships, Care of reefer cargo
  274. CD0414 Fuel oil bunkering, Good bunkering practice
  275. CD0415 Fuel Oil Bunkering, Effective Practice
  276. CD0416 Fuel oil bunkering, Understanding test results
  277. CD0418 Bilge water Separator, Part 1
  278. CD0419 Bilge Water Separator, Part 2
  279. CD0420 Lockout Tag-out
  280. CD0421 Ballast Water Management, the BMW Convention
  281. CD0422 Ballast Water Management, BWM Systems
  282. CD0425 Gas measurement, A safe atmosphere
  283. CD0426 Gas measurement, Measuring instruments
  284. CD0427 Navigation in cold environments
  285. CD0428 Passage planning in cold environments
  286. CD0460 Engine room emergencies, Recovery from a blackout
  287. CBT0475 – Advance Liquefied Gas Tanker (new questions)
  288. CD0481 Separators, S-type separator
  289. CD0482 Fixed Firefighting systems for engine rooms
  290. CD0483 Introduction to two-stroke diesel engines
  291. CD0484 Diesel engine diagnostics
  292. CD0485 Introduction to four-stroke diesel engines
  293. CD0500 Pilot ladders
  294. CD0501 Gangway security
  295. CD0502 Human behaviours, How did that happen?
  296. CD0510 Onboard paint maintenance, Inspection, planning and stock-keeping
  297. CD0511 Onboard paint maintenance, Health and safety
  298. CD0512 Onboard paint maintenance, Surface preparation
  299. CD0513 Onboard paint maintenance, Paint preparation and application
  300. CD0514 Onboard paint maintenance, Corrosion
  301. CD0515 Onboard paint maintenance, Paint technology and coating life-cycle
  302. CD0520 Elementary First aid, Principles of first aid
  303. CD0521 Elementary First aid, Assessing the casualty
  304. CD0522 Elementary First aid, Facilities and equipment
  305. CD0523 Elementary First aid, Causes of unconsciousness
  306. CD0524 Elementary First aid, Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  307. CD0525 Elementary First aid, Automated external defibrillator
  308. CD0526 Elementary First aid, Bleeding and bandaging
  309. CD0527 Elementary First aid, Burns
  310. CD0528 Elementary First aid, Shock
  311. CD0529 Elementary First aid, Fractures and dislocations
  312. CD0530 Elementary First aid, Transporting a casualty
  313. CD0531 Elementary First aid, Spinal injuries
  314. CD0532 Elementary First aid, Electric shock
  315. CD0551 Slips, trips and falls
  316. CD0555 Workshop safety
  317. CD0556 Hand tools safety
  318. CD0570 Resilience, Positivity, perspective and confidence
  319. CD0571 Resilience, Adapting to change
  320. CD0572 Resilience, Connecting with others
  321. CD0573 Resilience, Wellbeing and purpose
  322. CD0574 Safety data sheets
  323. CD0576 Use of PPE
  324. CD0583 Oil spill response
  325. CD0584 Tank inspection, Ballast compartments
  326. CD0586 Fire-Fighting, Effective boundary cooling
  327. CD0587 SCBA, Effective control in an emergency
  328. CD0591 Effective fire drills
  329. CD0592 Effective lifeboat drills
  330. CD0593Effective security drills
  331. CD0594 Shin inspections
  332. CD0595 Inspection and maintenance of safety equipment
  333. CD0596 On board familiarisation, Introduction
  334. CD0597 Portable tanks, Carrying dangerous goods
  335. CD0598 Search techniques, Ships and stowaway searches
  336. CD0599 Search techniques, Personnel and baggage searches
  337. CD0600 CEMS – Crew Endurance Management System
  338. CD0601 Vapour Control Systems
  339. CD0602 Benzene Cargo Safety
  340. CD0604 Eye Injury Prevention
  341. CD0605 Workplace Ergonomics and Back Care
  342. CD0606 Hearing Conservation
  343. CD0608 Drug and Alcohol Policy and Testing
  344. CD0612 Respiratory Protection
  345. CD0630 Boiler furnace explosions
  346. CD0670 Separators, S-type maintenance part 1
  347. CD0671 Separators, P-type maintenance part 1
  348. CD0672 Separators, S-type and P-type maintenance part 2
  349. CD0673 Back to basics, Engine room rounds part one
  350. CD0674 Back to basics, Engine room rounds part two
  351. CD1510 MAERSK LINE ISO 14001
  355. CD1540 Cylinder Condition Evaluation Guidelines
  356. CD1543 WHR System, Output Maximisation
  357. CD1544 WHR System. Voyage Planning
  359. CD1555 MAERSK LINE Environmental Training, Advanced
  360. CD2402 Fire-Fighting, Advanced, Management of fire-fighting
  361. CD2403 Fire-Fighting, Advanced, Hazards and tactics
  362. CD2404 Personal survival, Familiarisation
  363. CD2405 Personal survival, Survival craft
  364. CD2406 Personal survival, Rescue and abandoning ship
  365. CD2520 Fuel oil bunkering, Good bunkering practice I
  366. CD2524 Safety data sheets
  367. CD2541 Effective Fire drills
  368. CD2543 Effective security drills
  369. CD2551 SOPEP, Your role
  370. CD4000 Seagull ECDIS Simulator
  371. CD4010 Maris ECDIS
  372. CD4011 Consilium ECDIS
  373. CD4012 Kelvin Hughes ECDIS
  374. CD4013 Tokyo Keiki ECDIS
  375. CD4014 JRC ECDIS
  376. CD4015 SAM Electronics ECDIS CHARTPILOT 93×0/1100
  377. CD4016 SAM Electronics ECDISPILOT 1, Basic and Platinum
  378. CD4017 SAM Electronics ECDISPILOT 2, Basic and Platinum
  379. CD4019 Tokyo Keiki ECDIS, EC 8000A, 8100, 8500A, 8600
  380. CD4020 JRC ECDIS, models JAN-7201, 9201 and ‘S’ series
  381. CD4054 VettingAss1
  382. CD4055 VettingAss2
  383. CD4060 Social Media awareness
  384. CD4064 Cyber security, Awareness
  385. CD4090 Tokyo Keiki ECDIS
  386. CD4091 TECDIS
  387. CD407010 Transas ECDIS, Assessment
  388. CD407611 Sperry ECDIS, Assessment
  389. CD4101 Tank Cleaning 1, Introduction and Safety
  390. CD4102 Tank Cleaning 2, Principles of Tank Cleaning
  391. CD4103 Tank Cleaning 3, Planning of Tank Cleaning Operations
  392. CD4127 Ex7
  393. CD4150 Norwegian maritime rules and regulations
  394. CD7001 TOTS1A-Ship Handling and Characteristics
  395. CD7002 TOTS 1A-Pilotage
  396. CD7003 TOTS 1A-Mooring Equipment and Operations
  397. CD7004 TOTS 1A-Passage Planning and Navigation
  398. CD7005 TOTS 1A-Navigating in Restricted Visibility
  399. CD7006 TOTS 1A-Heavy Weather Navigation
  400. CD7007 TOTS 1A-Emergencies, Drills and Fire Fighting
  401. CD7008 TOTS 1A-Ship and Shore Interface
  402. CD7009 TOTS 1A-Ship to Ship Transfer
  403. CD7010 TOTS 1A-Helicopter Operations
  404. CD7011 TOTS 1A-Pollution Prevention and Environmental
  405. CD7012 TOTS 1A-General Tanker Section
  406. CD7013 TOTS 1A-The Flammability Diagram
  407. CD7014 TOTS 1A-Fixed and Portable Gas Detec. Systems
  408. CD7015 TOTS 1A-Enclosed Spaces and Tank Atmosphere.
  409. CD7016 TOTS 1A-Familiarisation prior Cargo Operations
  410. CD7017 TOTS 1A-Cargo Information, Precautions..
  411. CD7020 TOTS 1B-Engine Room Operations – manoeuvring
  412. CD7021 TOTS 1B-Engine Room Operations- special circumst.
  413. CD7022 TOTS 1B-Watch keeping in the Engine Room
  414. CD7023 TOTS 1B-Operation, monitoring, machinery
  415. CD7024 TOTS 1B-Electrical, Electronic and Operations
  416. CD7025 TOTS 1B-Maintenance and Repair
  417. CD7026 TOTS 1B-Control of operations – Care of personnel
  418. CD7027 TOTS 1B-Management of the Engineering Department
  419. CD7028 TOTS 1B-Emergencies, Drills and Fire Fighting
  420. CD7029 TOTS 1B-Pollution Prevention and Environmental
  421. CD7030 TOTS 1B-General Tanker Section
  422. CD7031 TOTS 1B-The Flammability Diagram
  423. CD7032 TOTS 1B-Fixed and Portable Gas Detections Systems
  424. CD7033 TOTS 1B-Enclosed Spaces and Tank Atmosphere.
  425. CD7034 TOTS 1B-Familiarisation prior Cargo Operations
  426. CD7035 TOTS 1B-Cargo Information, Precautions.
  427. CD7040 TOTS1C-Ship Handling and Characteristics
  428. CD7041 TOTS 1C-Pilotage
  429. CD7042 TOTS 1C-Mooring Equipment and Operations
  430. CD7043 TOTS 1C-Emergencies, Drills and Fire Fighting
  431. CD7044 TOTS 1C-Passage Planning and Navigation
  432. CD7045 TOTS 1C-Navigating in Restricted Visibility
  433. CD7046 TOTS 1C-Heavy Weather Navigation
  434. CD7047 TOTS 1C-General Tanker Section
  435. CD7048 TOTS 1C-The Flammability Diagram
  436. CD7049 TOTS 1C-Fixed and Portable Gas Detections Systems
  437. CD7050 TOTS 1C-Enclosed Spaces and Tank Atmosphere..
  438. CD7051 TOTS 1C-Familiarisation prior Cargo Operations
  439. CD7052 TOTS 1C-Cargo Information, Precautions.
  440. CD7053 TOTS 1C-Engine room operations during manoeuvring
  441. CD7054 TOTS 1C-Watchkeeping in the Engine Room
  442. CD7055 TOTS 1C-Operation, monitoring, machinery
  443. CD7056 TOTS 1C-Maintenance and Repair
  444. CD7057 TOTS 1C-Control of Operations – Care of Persons
  445. CD7058 TOTS 1C-Management of the Engineering Department
  446. CD7059 TOTS 1C-Pollution and Environment Protection
  447. CD8524 8524
  448. CD8525 8525
  449. CD8527 Fall Protection
  450. CD8532 Ex basic refresher and assessment
  451. CD8533 Electrical installation in Ex-area
  452. CD8534 Electrical Exi installation
  453. CD8535 Cables, cable entry and IP-degree in Ex-area
  454. CD8536 Ex inspection and maintenance
  455. CD8537 Exi protection concepts (Exi a,b,c,nL)
  456. CD8538 Exi components in Ex zone and safe zone
  457. CD8539 Exi verification and documentation
  458. CD8540 Exi installation and inspection
  459. CD8562 Ex Basic, Ex theory and area classification
  460. CD8563 Ex Basic, Ex equipment
  461. CD8564 Ex Basic, Protection concepts
  462. CD8565 Ex Basic, Protection concepts Exi
  463. CD8566 Ex Basic, Ex protection in practice
  464. CD8567 Ex Basic, Assessment